

The ministries of Pleasant Grove are purposed to support the spiritual growth and servanthood of the congregation as well as to carry out administrative, and other functions needed to ensure that the House of God is cared for in a decent and orderly manner that glorifies God.

  • Brother-to-Brother (B2B) Men’s Fellowship strengthens the spiritual bond and fellowship among the men of the church and serves as mentors to the younger men. All male members of Pleasant Grove (regardless of age) are automatically members of the B2B fellowship.
  • Christian Education Department empowers God’s people to evangelize, disciple, and equip others for serving Christ, His Kingdom, and the local body church. The Education Superintendent oversees the development and design of Bible Study, Sunday School, Children’s Church School, and Vacation Bible School and recruits volunteers to serve as teachers.
  • Communion Stewards prepare the first Sunday of each month for Holy Communion to be administered and assist with the distribution of the Holy elements during Communion.
  • Culinary Ministry provides coordination and preparation of meals for special services and events sponsored by the church.
  • Executive Board, which consists of members who are nominated and elected to positions on the Board, serves the pastor by overseeing the activities, functions, and affairs to give opportunity to those who want to serve and participate in the worship experience at Pleasant Grove.
  • Diaconate participates in all the church services performing those duties the pastor calls upon them to do. Those duties include but are not limited to scriptural readings, offering of prayer, assisting with the collection of tithes and offerings, and Holy Communion (in service and to the sick and shut-in), and visitations to the sick and shut-in.
  • Fundraising/Public Relations Committee utilizes social media (website, Facebook, etc.) to publicize events and services offered by the church and keeps the community aware of the times of our worship services. As needed, they formulate fundraising ideas to support the church in special endeavors (such as the building fund) to involve the community in our kingdom building for Pleasant Grove and surrounding communities.
  • Media Ministry ensures public access to all worship services and events offered by the church via social media. Facebook Live is the primary source of streaming services. Past recordings are archived on Facebook and a limited number of past recordings are also found on YouTube.
  • Music Ministry provides an atmosphere of spiritual worship to the Lord by engaging the congregation in preparation for the spoken word through songs of worship and praise. The music ministry is supported by a group of dedicated and talented musicians who serve the Lord through their instruments and together with the singers, give a worship experience anointed by God.
  • Trustee Board serves as caretakers in the maintenance of the church building, grounds, and the church-owned property.
  • Usher Board provides a warm welcome to all who enter through the Pleasant Grove doors. The usher is the first person seen when people enter the church and therefore sets the “tone” of the church body by greeting everyone with a smile and making them feel welcome in the House of God.
  • Women’s Christian Service Council (WCSC) strengthens the spiritual bond and fellowship among the women of the church and serves as role models to the younger women. All female members of Pleasant Grove (regardless of age) are automatically members of the WCSC. On behalf of the church body, the WCSC frequently takes the lead on community outreach services.
  • Youth and Young Adult Ministry (YYA) strengthens the spiritual bond and fellowship among the youth and young adults to equip them to be an inspiration among their peers in their community, school, and work. They are actively engaged in their ministry and frequently take the lead on community outreach services.
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